I am very lucky to have had a pretty "easy" pregnancy. I had no morning sickness, no cravings,only gained 20lbs and all in all it was great. I did have a little stint for about a month with "si instability" which is some of the worst pain ever, but I made it through and it went away!
So Ill start with my 2 week appts. Nothing was going anywhere! I was not progressing and baby wasn't coming out! I had a rather interesting reason for getting an induction date,fact was the practice I was in was closing ,if they let me go the usual week over your due date for first time mom's, I technically wouldn't have had a primary doctor and it could have been bad news,so they decided at my 38 week appt to schedule my induction. Dr.M told me she would go get me the first available date they had, fact was I was just ready for the next step,baby(or so I thought)! She walked in and told me " I know your going to think I did this on purpose but I swear I didn't",she handed me that pink paper and what was my date? May 20th of course,my due date, I sort of just glared at her and she just laughed at me!
So I had one more office visit the 19th and convinced her to at least let me come in in at 8 AM instead of 8 PM, I was thrilled! But I now know I should have just kept the evening appt. With cervidil it has to be in place for 12 hrs,so they do it at night so you can sleep while it works!So I arrived at 7:45 am on May 20th. I got cervidil around 10am and they warned me that I could have up to 2 rounds of this before anything happened. I was less than thrilled with this news. But luckily at around 10 pm things started happening! I was having contractions I couldn't feel thankfully but they were clear on the monitor. I had a doc come in and check me and he said since things were progressing,contractions and I was now at 2 cm! He also decide to hold off on the pitocin and his thought was that things should progress, boy was he wrong! I'm going to be completely honest I don't remember alot of the times and although some of you who know me might think I have my medical chart sitting in front of me I don't! So probably 1-2 hrs later they came back in to check me again. Let me just say that that is the worst part of child birth,or what little of it I went through, now I'm medically savy to a degree but holy cow I didn't realize where my cervix was! And that was just awful to be checked when your irritated,cranky and tired anyway! But the labor pains were increasing and they said I could have an epidural! This would have been a wonderful thing had it worked! NO my epidural didn't work I was still feeling contractions in my stomach but felt nothing under my belly. The nurse apparently didn't believe me and did the pinch test multiple times and kept asking "are you sure you feel this?" I refrained myself from slapping her and calmly answered yes. The new anesthesiologist came on shift and tried to move the epidural up. 3 more times. The last tap was a wet tap which is bad news ,it means they hit the spinal column and you run a 50/50 shot for spinal headaches which I have heard are awful! Thank the Lord I didn't get this! So then the decision was made to give me nubain and hope that I would progress naturally. I was at 4. For the next I don't know how long I stayed at 4. The nubain at least let me sleep and took away the pain. Finally I started to run a slight fever and my cervix was swelling,this meant c-section. I was totally on board! I have had back surgery so I was a littler worried the pushing wouldn't work so well any way but was constantly reassured it shouldn't matter,but at this point I didn't care! The anesthesiologist did come back and ask me if I wanted a spinal, I was very adamant up to this point that even if I had to have a section I wanted to watch! I know alot of people think that's gross but being in the medical field I wanted to see it all! But with the epidurals not working I didn't want to risk it so I told him no cause I was sure general anesthesia worked just fine! Blake was born at 4:14 am on 5/22/2010 he weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 21 inches long! Yes you read that right I was in stinking labor for 2 days!!!!! But my story of course cant end there because that would be too simple. The next morning they pulled my IV and drew a CBC(complete blood count). All was hunky dorey until my day nurse walked in with an IV pump? I was like" what are you doing with that I don't have an IV any more?" She says" Your getting one and a blood transfusion,you had a critical Hemoglobin." This is where I broke down. I had had enough! I cried. After the transfusion I felt much better, and the next day we went home!!
Alot of people say its worth it and I think Id have to agree. Although I think people who choose natural labor are a little crazy! I am very happy to have gone through my experiences,and makes my little man a little more special!
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