Monday, December 6, 2010

Blake's #1 First Christmas

My dad ,brother Jordan and my younger brother Jake all came to visit us since we will be in FL for Christmas. They got here Friday night and we just hung out till early morning,chatting and eating! Then Saturday we got up and hung out for a bit, got breakfast from dunkin doughnuts and then dad and Jordan hooked up our new washer and dryer( new to us anyway)! Then we headed out for a family trip to Wal-Mart. We wasted about an hour or so there and then it was off to an early dinner. We went to GT Souths Rib House on emerson, it was delicious!
We took our full bellies and headed home to open presents! Blake loves to open presents only because he gets to eat the paper, right now this is his favorite food! Blake made out like a bandit, he got toys and clothes and sippy cups and oranaments and all kinds of neat things! I know this child will end up with way more than he needs this year but it sure is fun! Went for breakfast Sunday morning and Blake had his first pancake and egg. More ended up on the floor then in his mouth! But he loved it all the same!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!

So two weekends ago we decided to go cut down our own tree. This has become a tradition of mine and Randy's since we moved to IN, probably because we were deprived of this opportunity all those years in FL. We really enjoy it and have a great time, even thought its usually way too cold we have tons of fun doing it!
Let me start out with telling you about our time last year. It was freezing cold windy and dark,looked like rain. And of course the farm we picked had been picked over with the trees that were close, but had found the perfect one. Randy insisted it was to big and I whined and complained that it was the only one I liked ( I know you are shocked right?). So we claimed on the wagon and rode across the street in the muck to the other side of the farm. While there we did not find our tree so after it poured on us freezing rain for about 20 minuets, we were back to the other side to cut down our tree all the time still arguing about the size. But being the wonderful man he is or maybe it was just to prove me wrong he cut it down and dragged it in! We get it home and what do you know, the stupid thing was wayyyy to big! Not only that but it was wide! So my punishment was having to put all the lights on myself which took years and having to look at him an know in his head he was screaming " I told you so!" and probably sticking his tongue out as well!
So this year we decided to try a different tree farm. We drove east to Fortville,IN to Piney Acers Tree Farm. We found it on google and liked the prices and look so off we went. Originally Randy said he wanted to leave Blake with someone this year cause he was too little. I objected and of course won so Blake was bundled up in 5 layers and off to pick out or tree with us! We got there and they give you tickets for the hot cocoa after your done, and they give you a map and price list so you can have an idea of what and where to go! So on the wagon we went! We got off at the first stop and were off in search of a scotch or white pine. Now let me preface this as well by saying these are the trees I like the best they have long soft needles and I think look like a beautiful Christmas tree , they don't poke you and if you were a literal tree hugger these are the trees you want to hug! Not to mention they are 3.50/foot cheaper! But Mr. Opposite on the other hand likes the blue pine and etc., these are the really sharp trees that run 10.00/foot but I have to give it to him do smell so much like Christmas! We found one within the first 5 min of being off the wagon. But you know us that was impossible to settle on the first one so on we went, we found a second one we liked better, we marked it with a MacDonald's cup and went back to compare the two. We decided on the McTree! Blake had fun I think he was reaching out and touching the trees and just enjoying the day. So randy got the tree cut fairly quickly and we were off to the wagon,perfect tree in tow! When we got back to the front office, Blake and I went in to drink our cocoa and meet with Santa! Blake looks like he didn't love it but he really did,there were things hanging from the ceiling and he was extremely fascinated with these! So we drank or cocoa and took pics with Santa and even ate a candy cane!
After we were done we walked out to the car where one of the workers was helping Randy tie the tree to the car. I was looking at the tree when the helper guy says "what kind of tree did you all get?" "I replied wither a scotch or white pine" he says "no it looks like you all got a blue pine." Blank stare, at this point I realize he is tying the wrong tree to our car. I am a bad person ,but let me validate it first, when I told Randy he was so excited we were getting the kind of tree HE wanted, Blake was beyond tired and was screaming in his car seat with the doors closed, the guy tying on the tree was slow as molasses and all I really wanted was to leave and he was just dragging it out, so I am a bad person cause I didn't say anything and drove off with someone elses tree tied to my roof! On a good note the tree is beautiful and smells delicious but is pokie as heck! Hopefully one of these years it will be easier!
I was a bad mom though and unfortunately my little man ended up with wind burn on his cheeks! It got better pretty quick but I still felt bad!
Mommy & Blake

The Christmas Tree

The "right" Christmas Tree