Monday, November 29, 2010


We had a pretty low key thanksgiving. We went to Lisa and Troy's house for dinner and then I had to work :(. Blake was not feeling himself the whole day and was a little clingy and fussy. He also got sick all over after Aunt Lisa tried to feed him banana pudding! So I went to work Daddy took a nap and then him and Blake went home and to bed! Randy, Blake and I braved the crowds after I got off work for some black Friday deals! Warning for anyone going black Friday shopping: a kid in a stroller is a bad idea! Now we would have left him with family but unfortunately we don't have that same luxury that many others do, we have no family close! So of course Blake goes where we go! I only almost got into one fight cause this stupid girl almost ran into Blake in the stroller and then when I said something she gave me a nasty look! My mom asked me if I jumped the cart ,but dont worry I was setting a good example and behaved in front of Blake! Other than that pretty un eventful! Randy says that was his first and last Blake friday experience ever! But we were in and out in an hour! Not to shabby if I dont say so myself and if I want him to go again next year, 10 bucks says he will!

Happy 3yrs and 6months!

That is Happy 3 yr Anniversary to Randy and I! And Happy 6months to my lil Blake-man!

I can hardly believe it has been 3 yrs ago we were married! It seems like just yesterday! No actually it feels like we've been married for about 20yrs. But I enjoy almost every moment of it! We didn't do anything big for our anniversary this year. I made Randy so funfetti cupcakes with rainbow chip icing and he totally beat me out! Randy and I both work nights so I'm usually in bed when he gets home,well we did the text thing of happy anniversary @ midnight, and then I was OUT! So he gets home about 3 or so and I wake to him hovering over me with a big grin on his face, I'm a little startled but do the whole " I love you happy anniversary" ,kiss, "goodnight" thing.
So the about 5am that wonderful noise fills the monitor and its time to go get Blake a bottle. I leave a light on till Randy gets home and he turns it off when he comes up. So anyway the whole way from the stairs to the fridge , I am stepping on something, of course my thought is " what did that darn dog do! or What did randy track through my stinking living room that I'm gonna have to clean up!" Well much to my delight when I turn on the light it wasn't the dogs fault but my amazing husband's! He had sprinkled rose petals from the stove to the stairs! I was so totally impressed I could hardly stand it! Also there was a makeshift vase with a paper 3 on it with ribbon and 3 long stem red roses on the middle of my clean kitchen stove! (I'm such an old fart now I think the clean kitchen part was almost the best part!) He did such a great job! Now my hubby is no romantic so this is a huge step,in the right direction! I went back upstairs and woke him up to tell him thank you and he just had a huge grin on his face he was so proud,and so was I!
We did have a little date night that Saturday. One of my girlfriends agreed to watch the lil monster for the night! She text me warning me it had been 12 yrs since she had babysat and it was a good thing I lived right around the corner. I told her she needed the practice because she will be having Blakes BFF in January! We went to Teds Montana Grill in Clay Terrace ,and ate bison. It was very tasty, much more so than hamburger! Then we walked around Best Buy, ate ice cream at Coldstone and rented a movie and went home! It was such a simple night but so much needed. It was our first night alone since Blake was born! I texted Beth later that week and told her when Collin is here we need to take each others kids once a month it will be healthy for all parties involved!
And now on to Blake-mans 6th month! He had his check up on the 17th and is of course doing great, he weighed in at 18lbs5oz and was 27in ! Hes a monster! Developmentally hes perfect and he got 4 shots and took them like a champ! He is eating new foods whenever we let him and pears and kiwi are two of his new favorite. He's not full blown crawling yet, but gets where he wants to go! Hes started rocking on his knees and its so cute! He still loves his walker and is getting the hang of it, currently his favorite game in that is chase the dog!

Were looking forward to Thanksgiving and our Christmas trip to Florida!

Monday, November 8, 2010

A walker

No I don't have a full blown walker or kid who needs to be put in the Guinness book of world records for the youngest walking baby! Blake got a walker from his Oma while she was here. He absolutely loves it! His favorite thing to do in it is sit in front of the T.V.,imagine that, wonder where he gets that from (ah huh, daddy)!
He has also started to eat those little degradable puff things and they are a big hit with him, He prefers the banana to the organic apple but well keep trying. He likes to eat them while gliding around the house but his favorite thing to do with them is feed them to the dog! He has discovered that when he has these Copper doesn't leave his side, and since Blake is totally fascinated with Copper its like the coolest thing ever!

A week with Oma

Randy's mom, Doris, was in town for the week. After a 19hr drive and 4 new tires she arrived safely on Tuesday. She completely adored her grand baby and both her boys truly got a taste of what it's like to not matter to your mom anymore! Randy handles it like a man only being slightly jealous and I haven't really gotten any impression from his brother, Danny. She took both boys shopping and got the equal amounts of goods,and Blakeman got a new toy, a walker!
We enjoyed her time here and she helped out tremendously by taking over the evening shift of babysitting for us!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Update 11/01/2010

OK so I realize I havent bloged on here in way to long, with my extremely boring new job though I have nothing better to do so here goes!!In a nut shell Blake Alan Dugan was born on May 22nd 2010 @ 414am, he weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 22 in long! I was supposed to have a little baby but he certianly wasnt and will never be again!
Randy did the stay at home dad thing for a few months after Blake was born and tried to do an e-bay business. It unfourtnatley didnt work out and he is now employeed for Fastenal. Its a big distrubution company here in Indy and he really enjoys it. I decided to make a carrear change as well and moved within the Clarian system to a position downtown as a customer service rep. I pretty much answer the phone and answer lab questions all night.It is really boring but I think it will be a good oppertunity to go back to school.Thats all that is really going on with us for now